Restoration Top

Twenty four Seven

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La musique qui emporte et transporte

Twenty four Seven
On this page we extend our gratitude to some ministries and individuals who graciously gave us the opportunity to use their materials. From time to time we may put on this page their ministry contacts, so that you, our listeners can get in touch with them directly.
We strongly encourage our listeners to visit, to contact or to let them know how we appreciate their services.
Thank you very much.
Benson A. IDAHOSA is the father of African Faith & Miracle Pentecostalism in Africa. Called "PAPA, the Man of Faith, the Preacher with fire in his bones". From his hometown of Benin City Nigeria to more than 150 nations he has preached the Gospel of Jesus Christ with signs and wonders: healing, miracles, prosperity, education,...
Before he went to heaven, Papa Idahosa trained more than 10.000 pastors and helped plant more than 7,000 local churches of Church of God Mission Int, which continued to be led by his wife Mama Archbishop Margaret Idahosa.
Since 1989 to this day my wife Astrid and myself have the privilege to be trained and mentored by the IDAHOSAs through their Bible School and ministry. We are proud to have them as our parents, and our ministry is undeniably tinted with their favor and anointing.
We are happy to give to our audience the opportunity to taste of this hot stuff. Listen the man 'who by faith, being dead, yet speaks'. (Heb. 11:1-4)
The OSBORNs are the Apotles of World Mass Healing Evangelism. For decades they have travelled around the globe preaching the GOOD NEWS with love, smile, passion and outstanding signs & miracles.
They have trained and mentored thousands of thousands of soul winners, some like Benson Idahosa, John Maasbach have shaken nations and continents.
The Osborns were prolific speakers & writers: their publications translated in hundreds of languages have reached even remote parts of the earth.
We are proud to be the product of their ministry. I was miraculous healed in 1979 when I read and handcopied TL Osborn' s classic HEALING THE SICK. Not only my story has been told around the world but I had the privilege to go with TL Osborn in many nations of the world for his conferences, Gospel crusades.
We count it as a sacred duty to expose the audience of our Network to the OSBORNS ministry.
“Let me proclaim your power to this new generation, your mighty miracles to all who come after me.” (Psalm 71:18)
This Scripture expresses the heart of this man of God and his Revival Today ministry. Jonathan preaches the message of Jesus Christ with passion and fire, which bring multitudes to his meetings and keep them even during extended sessions.
Jonathan has been preaching the Gospel full-time since May of 2002. From India and Congo to Hawaii, Jonathan has seen tens of thousands receive Jesus Christ as their Savior with many wonderful miracles reported.
We are happy and proud to be his friends and we count it a privilege to get our audiences to get connected to his ministry.
Special thanks to our dear friend Paul TSASA & Newsong Studios for their love for Jesus and for good music. They have been for many decades an inspiration to thousands of Christian musicians in Congo and Africa. The very name 'Sango Malamu' (=Good News) by which the Tsasas are known for, has always been seen as 'the reference for excellence and integrity in Christian music' in the Congo.
Restoration Top Network is privileged to be allowed to broadcast a good number of their arsernal of hits, artworks and productions. Some of which are from their own albums (King of Creation, The Best of Sango Malamu) whereas many others are from the bands they have helped produce (like Decidé of Soni Steps Music)
If you need to buy their songs or produce your own albums you'll do yourself a pleasure to visit their studios and their library in Raleigh NC. Or send them a thank you message at
NewSong Productions

Thanks to our growing number of Global & Multicultural Adoration & Gospel Bands

Restoration Top Network is privileged to be allowed to broadcast a growing number of talented artists. They are diverse in languages, origins, ages and styles: Gospel, pop, rap, soukous,
Be aware that we don't have the autorization to sell or distribution these works. So, if you need to get their songs or albums you'll do yourself a pleasure to contact them directly. We'll appreciate if you send them a thank you message on our behalf.
Here are some groups or individuals whose artworks are already being broadcasted on our network:
-Les KUNDA SISTERS (an amazing & powerful whole female music band)
-Groupe GAEL (Adoration is their thing)
-Mike KALAMBAY (a fully Congo soukous gospel band)
-BIKORO SINGERS (an original vocal choir & acapella from the Bikoro pigmy equatorial jungle area)
-BOL BAT (Congo Gospel band)
-JOSE NZITA (an amazing Congolese Raggae Grio)
-Mark Cable: Real Life on acoustic guitar
-CARLYTO LASSA (a seasonned & professional gospel musician based in Paris / France)